William Bouguereau (*1825 La Rochelle; †1905 La Rochelle)
Bouguereau is an example of 'academic' salon painting at a time, in which Cézanne already had worked out his new image conception. Monochrome, coldly distant, idealized and slippery painting made by many photos. That had allegedly a lot of fantasy ! Pictures with erotic feeling were well recieved by the public. Thanks to the antique pattern, he was risen above any preachy criticism. We can actually smile at these kind of pictures.
William Bouguereau
Until our days this audience-grabbing academic salon painting is acting, especially with the coming up of the so-called Photorealism in the 70's of the twentieth century, many of those tendencies continue.
William-Adolphe Bouguereau [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons; Reproduktion photographer: unknown. These are faithful photographic reproductions of original two-dimensional works of art. The works of art itself is in the public domain for the following reason: Deutsche Gesetzgebung: Allgemein anerkannt ist es, dass die mechanische Kopie (z. B. Xerographie, Fotokopie), die Digitalisierung (z. B. Scan mit dem Flachbettscanner), sowie die Reproduktion (z. B. mit der Reproduktionskamera) von gemeinfreien typographischen Vorlagen (Bücher, Urkunden usw.) und Fotografien von Originalfotografien („Bild vom Bild“) kein eigenes Leistungsschutzrecht des Fotografen (§ 2, § 72 UrhG) entstehen lassen. Man spricht bei solchen (möglichst) originalgetreuen Abbildern auch von „technischer Reproduktion“